Bloxwich Tae Kwondo - TAGB

LOOKING FOR: Active, Childrens Activities, Childrens Clubs, Sports & Leisure
ADDRESS: Frank F Harrison Leamore Lane Bloxwich
TELEPHONE: 07795250370
Bloxwich Tae Kwondo - TAGB
Bloxwich, Walsall martial arts club / school in West Midlands.
Bloxwich Tae Kwondo - TAGB
Martial Art:  Taekwondo
Style:  ITF Style Taekwondo, Self defence.
County:  West Midlands
Town:  Bloxwich, Walsall
Venue:  Frank F Harrison Leamore Lane Bloxwich
Contact Name:  Karen Jones
Telephone:  07795250370

Description:  Tae Kwondo benefits many aspects of life i.e, Health &Fitness, social ability, confidence, flexibility and much more. Our club is a Family enviroment ALL Ages welcome.