NEKK Kickboxing Sunderland

LOOKING FOR: Active, Childrens Activities, Childrens Clubs, Sports & Leisure
TELEPHONE: 07939011255
NEKK Kickboxing Sunderland
Sunderland, Washington, Concord, Shiney Row martial arts club / school in Tyne & Wear.NEKK Kickboxing

Martial Art:  Kickboxing
Style:  Kazen Kai
County:  Tyne & Wear
Town:  Sunderland, Washington, Concord, Shiney Row
Contact Name:  Kevin
Telephone:  07939011255

Description:  Seperate and mixed classes available for both adults and children. A full grading syllabus and acceess to competitions and events. Or just come along to keep fit,learn self defence and improve your fitness