The Coppleridge Inn - Shaftesbury Dorset

LOOKING FOR: Family Pubs
ADDRESS: Elm Hill Motcombe
Shaftesbury Dorset
TELEPHONE: 01747 851980
The Coppleridge Inn - Shaftesbury Dorset
The Coppleridge Inn Motcombe Shaftesbury Dorset has accommodation. The Coppleridge Inn Motcombe Shaftesbury Dorset is Cask Marque Accredited. The

Coppleridge Inn Motcombe Shaftesbury Dorset is a Country Pub, Bar or Inn. The Coppleridge Inn Motcombe Shaftesbury Dorset is a Good Food Pub, Bar or Inn. The

Coppleridge Inn Motcombe Shaftesbury Dorset is a Family Friendly Pub, Bar or Inn. The Coppleridge Inn Motcombe Shaftesbury Dorset has a Beer Garden. The

Coppleridge Inn Motcombe Shaftesbury Dorset is a non-smoking Pub, Bar or Inn. The Coppleridge Inn Motcombe Shaftesbury Dorset has Wheelchair Access and

Facilities for People with Disabilities. The Coppleridge Inn Motcombe Shaftesbury Dorset is a Dog Friendly Pub, Bar or Inn.