The Lamb Inn - Carterton Oxfordshire

LOOKING FOR: Family Pubs
ADDRESS: Sheep Street Burford
Carterton Oxfordshire
TELEPHONE: 01993 823155
The Lamb Inn - Carterton Oxfordshire
The Lamb Inn Burford Carterton Oxfordshire has accommodation. The Lamb Inn Burford Carterton Oxfordshire serves Real Ales. The Lamb Inn Burford

Carterton Oxfordshire is a Country Pub, Bar or Inn. The Lamb Inn Burford Carterton Oxfordshire is a Good Food Pub, Bar or Inn. The Lamb Inn Burford Carterton

Oxfordshire is a Family Friendly Pub, Bar or Inn. The Lamb Inn Burford Carterton Oxfordshire has a Beer Garden. The Lamb Inn Burford Carterton Oxfordshire is

a Dog Friendly Pub, Bar or Inn. The Lamb Inn Burford Carterton Oxfordshire is located near M40 J8.